Design is communication

Communication Starts with Words

  1. Always use the simplest word available

If you have to look a word up in a thesaurus, you’re already doing it wrong. This is to help more people understand, and be able to communicate with more people

  1. Try saying it out loud, then write that down.

Explain it like I’m a 4 year old”

This is to hear if it sounds right before you write it, by listening to the words, you can easily tell if it sounds right or wrong.

  1. Be as succinct as possible, and take new sentences often.

Being able to write a short paragraph that explains something throughly saves a lot of space, sometimes it takes longer, but makes it easier to read and save space. is a great website to see if your writing is clear and understandable. This is a tool that’s useful if you’re unsure if what you’ve written is clear to a normal person or not. It can happen quite easily that certain industry terminology is used, and Jargon which should be avoided as best as it can.

Because everyone appreciates straightforward communication, because everyone understands it.

A few tips for writing public content, such as portfolios, articles, blogs, content, etc.

  1. Write Relevant information. It’s very unlikely that a visitor to your webpage would be interested in reading something completely unrelated to what there is on the webpage.
  2. Put Conclusions at the beginning. Get to the point first and then expand it.
  3. Write only one idea per paragraph. Web Pages need to be concise and to-the-point, since people scan web pages rather than reading them. So by having short succinct sentences will be more successfull rather than having long ones.
  4. Use action words. Keep the flow of your pages moving by avoiding a passive voice.
  5. Format. Using lists instead of paragraphs makes it easier to scan, especially if you keep them short. By keeping them short (7-10 words) makes your readers remember them.