For any idea that you have in mind for a product, ask yourself, does it need to exist?
You can also ask other people if it needs to exist, to pitch the concept to other people, maybe a potential user group to see if they would be interested and validate your idea.
You could also verify the idea by doing user research online through various methods, such as surveys, published data, interviews and forum posts.
A great way to see if an idea would work out would be through a SWOT analysis, which would help you be able to see any potential Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This analysis gives you a detailed insight into a potential project and it’s position into the market. But what does SWOT Stand for?
A SWOT analasys can be approached in two different ways,
Which could either be by filling the 4 categories by doing research online and create it yourself, or search for an already existing company online followed by “SWOT” to find analyses that already exist.
A SWOT analasys can be used to: