To be able to successfully apply for a job and let the employers look at your previous work to see your skills and knowledge, you do so by displaying your previous projects on a website, which would be your portfolio.

Your portfolio as a designer contains case studies of past projects, that demonstrates what you’ve done and how your work.

So what should a portfolio include?

Inspiration from other creators.

To get inspirator of what I wanted to make, I did as I did for my CV and took a look at pinterest and see what could potentially inspire me. I had a few plans for the website so far, and it was circles, and round edges.

I had a plan to make the website unique and a lot of portfolios nowadays have edgy, minimalistic websites that feels extremely generic, just because of how popular it is to make it that way.









Except for planning to use use round egdes for my webpage, I also had the wish to use dark colours, since it feels better for the eyes rather than white.

There wasn’t many designs on pinterest that really caught my eyes, unless it was how they used content, inspiring ways to use the nav bar or interesting ways they used colours.

Portfolio websites I took a liking to

Kyson Dana - Design & Art Direction

I really liked how Kyson Dana used a lot of dark colours on his website, and made it interesting to use. His approach to the website felt unique, yet familiar. I did however feel like it was very repeating having to scroll through massive immages to look through the content, which eventually became tiring, and when you reached the bottom of the page, there was no button to return you to the start.